RUST PUNX RADIO: Stream New Pittsburgh Punk & Hardcore

There’s a lot of music coming out of Pittsburgh lately, and it’s easy to forget to check out a new release. Rust Punx Radio will be dropping a mix of new local punk and hardcore every few months, because up the punx.

Office Of Michael Rosfeld’s Lawyer Shot Up Overnight

The Monroeville office for Patrick Thomassey, the lawyer for former East Pittsburgh Police Officer Michael Rosfeld, was shot up overnight after Rosefeld was found not guilty in the shooting death of Antwon Rose on Friday.

A Brief Look at Pittsburgh’s New Protest Guidelines — TORCHLIGHT

The latest guidelines for unpermitted street protests issued by the Pittsburgh cops have generated a lot of outrage, but not much in the way of tactical or strategic analysis. We gave the document a quick glance to see what it might reveal about the cops’ plans and thoughts.